If you are a grandparent, you may have spent a fortune on heartfelt gifts and expensive outfits for your grandkids. However, there is another way you could be spending money on them. Even when they areREAD MORE >
What is a Grey Divorce? According to the PEW Research Center, “Grey Divorce”, or divorce over 50, is becoming increasingly more common. In 2017, the center found that the divorce rate for this population had roughly doubledREAD MORE >
When there are not adult children around to help, aging adults have to been clear when it comes to estate decisions. The good news is that by being prepared, this group, “Solo Agers”, or single peopleREAD MORE >
Many people don’t think about the word probate until someone close to them passes away. If the death was unexpected, this mysterious legal term may be mentioned in passing as loved ones cope with their shockREAD MORE >
Getting your estate plan together can feel like taking a weight off of your shoulders. Once all of your documents are properly executed and put away it’s easy to forget about them. As your life movesREAD MORE >