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What Is The Best Plan For My Sibling With Special Needs

What is the best plan for my sibling with special needs?

In families where a child has extensive special needs, siblings and their parents often band together to make sure they have all they require and that the household runs smoothly. As the child’s brothers and sistersREAD MORE >
Finding The Best Resources For My Child With Autism

Finding the Best Resources for my Child with Autism

Today, hearing that a child has Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is not as uncommon as in previous generations. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), approximately 1 in 59 children has been identified with (ASD) according toREAD MORE >
What To Expect When Probating A California Will

What to Expect When Probating a California Will

When a loved one passes away, having to take care of final arrangements while dealing with the pain of their loss can be disorienting.  As you and your family make immediate plans, their estate is alsoREAD MORE >
Does A Living Trust Protect Assets From Nursing Homes

Remembering to fund your trust

Setting up a trust allows your property and assets to avoid probate and for your intended beneficiaries, such as children or other relatives you may designate, to receive the inheritance you intend. However, your California estateREAD MORE >
Amending Your California Estate Planning Documents

Amending your California Estate Planning Documents

Having your California estate plan in order can give you the peace of mind of knowing that you have responsibly prepared for the future. After you finished putting everything together and critical documents stored, your focusREAD MORE >