To take upon the role of trustee over a trust containing the real property and assets of a family member or friend in Woodland Hills can be quite a daunting task. Before agreeing to assume suchREAD MORE >
The success a trust achieves in managing the assets therein may depend largely on the capabilities of the trustee. Many often come to us here at the Law Offices of Alice A. Salvo concerned over the office ofREAD MORE >
For those in Woodland Hills, Los Angeles or another California city who have been asked to serve as the executor or personal representative of a family member or friend’s estate, their responsibilities may go beyond simplyREAD MORE >
It may come as a surprise to many in Woodland Hills, California how great of an emphasis experts place on beginning one’s estate planning at an early age. That is likely due to the fact that,READ MORE >
One of the main reasons that the Law Offices of Alice A. Salvo hears from Woodland Hills residents as to why they put off estate planning is because they fear upsetting family members who may beREAD MORE >