Taking the time to consider what to include in your will is a good idea at any age. By establishing where you want your assets to go and how your estate should be managed, you canREAD MORE >
It’s never too early to start looking into drafting a will, and as a resident of California, you have some options in how you want to go about it. However, just one wrong move can haveREAD MORE >
As a Californian resident who is contemplating creating a holographic will, it is important for you to know the proper steps to take so that your will is considered valid. We at the Law Offices ofREAD MORE >
Whether you have recently started a new family or you just retired from work, you may have myriad things to think about. Creating a last will and testament may be the last thing on your mind. However, theseREAD MORE >
You may have heard someone mention a living will before in passing and not given it much thought. For some people, the term does not come up until they are facing a surgical procedure, and theREAD MORE >