Some California residents may know that one facet of estate planning involves explaining to family members what the estate plan entails and what to do if that individual should die. Because an estate plan may beREAD MORE >
People who are planning their estates often fail to plan for the possibility that they may become incapacitated due to an accident or illness. If a person does not include incapacity planning as a part ofREAD MORE >
California residents who are over the age of 18 may want to consider writing a will. A will is a part of most estate plans, and without one, the state often decides how an individual’s assetsREAD MORE >
California members of the Baby Boomer generation have traditionally been more concerned with maximizing income and planning for retirement than they have been with estate planning. However, as the boomers enter their sixth decade, it becomesREAD MORE >
Some California residents may benefit by choosing to purchase cash-value life insurance policies as a part of their overall estate plan. Those most likely to do so are people who already have enough assets for theirREAD MORE >