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Helping Elderly Loved Ones During The Pandemic

Helping Elderly Loved Ones During the Pandemic

Recently, Governor Newsom announced that 52 of California’s 58 counties have moved to Stage 3 reopening and that statewide, COVID-19 numbers appear to be improving. While these developments are encouraging, health officials still recommend that those over 65 maintain effortsREAD MORE >
The Importance Of A Power Of Attorney

Power of Attorney and Advance Health Care Directive – What is the Difference?

Some of us have only heard the terms “power of attorney” and “Advance Health Care Directive” in passing or from hospital staff when a loved one is completing documents before undergoing a surgical procedure. If youREAD MORE >

Protect Your Wishes for Medical Care With Health Care Directives

Being fully prepared for the future might seem like an impossible task. Since no one can predict the future, you should consider putting instructions in place in the event you become incapacitated and can no longerREAD MORE >

Why is a Health Care Directive so Important?

As you prepare for your future, it is important to also consider the fact that there may be an accident, injury or death that can come long before you are ready. This is why it isREAD MORE >

How to Help Your Parents Age in Place

When a loved one grows older, he or she may have difficulty with certain everyday tasks. Many seniors prefer to stay in their own homes as they age instead of moving to an assisted living residenceREAD MORE >