When you pass away, it’s reassuring to know that your affairs will be in order. One way to manage your assets – and reduce the stress on your loved ones – is by avoiding probate. CanREAD MORE >
Dealing with the transfer of property after the death of a loved one is a significant concern for many families. In California, the probate process is often perceived as long and costly, leading many to wonder:READ MORE >
Probate can be a lengthy process. And when your loved ones are grieving your loss, it’s best if they can settle your estate sooner rather than later. Is it ever possible to avoid probate? The shortREAD MORE >
If you’re new to estate planning, trusts can seem complex. However, it’s actually simple to understand how trusts work. Below, our lawyers define the main types of trusts for estate planning, and how to choose theREAD MORE >
When you hear the phrase “estate planning”, chances are your older relatives come to mind. After all, only your parents and grandparents should worry about their assets – right? It might surprise you, but the answerREAD MORE >