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What Are The Different Types Of Special Needs Trusts?

You may already know that special needs trusts are available for you to provide financially for a disabled loved one in California, both now and after your death. You may also know that special needs trustsREAD MORE >
Supplemental Trust And Special Needs Planning

Supplemental Trust And Special Needs Planning

Parents and loved ones of someone with a disability can be faced with many challenges as they plan for the future. This situation can be especially difficult when resources are limited, and the person is unableREAD MORE >
Understanding California Special Needs Trust

Understanding California Special Needs Trust

If you have a child or other loved one with a significant disability, you have probably thought about ways to make sure that they will have all that they need in the future. For many, families,READ MORE >
What Does A California Special Needs Trust Allow

What Does A California Special Needs Trust Allow?

For a California resident living on benefits public assistance programs such as Medi-Cal (California Medicaid) and Social Security Income (SSI), there is usually little to no money left at the end of the month after coveringREAD MORE >
Do I Need A Lawyer To Create My California Special Needs Trust Plan

Do I Need A Lawyer To Create My California Special Needs Trust Plan?

When you have a child or loved one with a severe disability, planning for his or her care is usually a significant priority. After going through the government benefit application and eligibility process, the recipient isREAD MORE >