The phrase “estate planning” conjures up images of old guys in smoking jackets and their trophy wives figuring out who will get to inherit their palatial mansion when they die. But, if you’ve been paying attention,READ MORE >
Because the probate process in California can be drawn out and difficult, many residents may consider living trusts as an alternative to a will. However, it is important to understand the difference between a revocable andREAD MORE >
The IRS maintains specific definitions concerning what constitutes a valid trust that can be included in a Californian estate. Although many people want to donate assets to charitable causes, the estate devices they employ to doREAD MORE >
California residents may be unaware about the most common mistakes people make when planning an estate trust. While it may be difficult to think about, not taking precautions when arranging a trust can cause major dilemmasREAD MORE >
Residents of California may wonder what is involved in trust administration. A trust has two parts, income and principal, and the administrator, also known as the fiduciary, is in charge of managing both of those parts.READ MORE >