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What Are Your Duties As An Estate Executor?

When you assume the responsibilities of becoming the executor of someone’s California estate, one of your duties will be to pay the taxes owed by both the deceased person and the estate itself. This week weREAD MORE >

When is it Time to Remove a Trustee From Your Trust?

Trustees have a duty to remain impartial and to administer the trust in a way that is wholly beneficial to the trustee and its beneficiaries. If your California trustee breaches his or her duty in anyREAD MORE >

Top 5 Questions Executors Ask

We represent numerous executors and estate administrators here at the Law Offices of Alice A. Salvo in California. Virtually all of them ask us questions about their duties and how to perform them. We therefore thought it wouldREAD MORE >

How Can You Identify Undue Influence?

The term “undue influence” refers to influence strong enough to abolish the free will of a person. Sadly, the undue influence over older and disabled persons is a growing problem in California and throughout the greaterREAD MORE >
Is Your Living Trust In Order

Is Your Living Trust In Order?

Having a California living trust is an excellent way to plan for your estate and provide for your beneficiaries. However, as with any part of your estate plan, it’s essential to make regular updates. If youREAD MORE >