When a person passes away, numerous tasks need to be completed to administer their estate. If the individual died without a will, the probate court will designate an administrator to assist with the process. If theREAD MORE >
When parents are preparing their estate plans, they usually want to leave as much of their assets and property to their children as possible. When considering how to transfer ownership, it’s often preferable to avoid goingREAD MORE >
In November of 2018, the Marvel universe lost its former publisher and chairman Stan Lee. Lee, the co-creator of legendary comic book superheroes such as Spider-Man, the Incredible Hulk, Iron Man, and Black Panther, passed awayREAD MORE >
A trust can be an invaluable estate planning tool. These devices give the grantor, or trust creator, the ability to direct assets into a separate legal entity for the benefit of named beneficiaries. Throughout its existence,READ MORE >
There are two different types of conservatorships in the state of California that I want to talk about. The first one is a conservator of the estate, so that’s for somebody who cannot manage their financialREAD MORE >